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Prospective Clients

The Client Relationship - A "Good Fit" is Important
Why You Should Choose a Certified Financial PlannerTM Practitioner
Initial Questionnaire
Disclosure Documents and Acknowledgement
Privacy Statement


Welcome to our website. The entire "About Us" section has been designed with you in mind. We strongly suggest that you read the following sections:

Additionally, the Diary (an eclectic collection of Ms. Munroe's writings) is a great place to "get to know" Bobbie Munroe.

The Client Relationship - A "Good Fit" Is Important
A client's relationship with their financial advisor is a very personal relationship. Many clients discover that they disclose their thoughts, their dreams, and their concerns more fully to their financial advisor than any other advisor. That is why we believe that it is important that the client and advisor be a "good fit."

What type of client would be a "good fit" with Fraser Financial?

  • A person who can communicate what a successful relationship would look like.
  • A person who is willing to share both their successes and disappointments with other advisors they use or have used.
  • A person who desires advice and is motivated to make changes in their life if that is indicated.
  • A person who will commit to the process understanding that there will be work involved.
  • A person who is willing to "reveal" his/her concerns and desires. We understand this is a trust issue. That is why a "good fit" is so important. We suggest that you do not work with any professional you do not trust to maintain your "best interests" as their primary concern.
  • A person who is willing to tell us when there is a conflict or disagreement that is affecting our relationship. We can't address an issue if we don't know it exists. Therefore, we encourage clients to come to us immediately if there is any problem with the services we provide.
  • A person who is just looking for higher returns or more than we can provide is not a "good fit."
  • A person who prefers a casual atmosphere. We work from offices located at Ms. Munroe's home near downtown Atlanta. It is a casual environment which, except in winter, provides lovely views of Ms. Munroe's extensive garden, pond, and waterfall. However, if you are looking for red leather chairs and a 20th floor view, we are probably not a "good fit."
Everyone has a unique personality. If, after our initial meeting, you would like references to other advisors, we will be glad to provide them. We want to be sure that you find your "good fit."

Why You Should Choose a Certified Financial Planner™ Practitioner
Choosing a financial planner is a difficult decision. For more information on why you should choose a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner, please go to the following link at the Certified Financial Planner™ Board of Standards website:

Why you should choose a Certified Financial Planner™ Practitioner

Initial Questionnaire
We ask that all prospective clients complete an initial questionnaire before our first meeting. To view/download this questionnaire:

Disclosure Documents and Acknowledgement
As a Registered Investment Advisor with the state of Georgia, we are required to provide each prospective client disclosures about our business. Our contract will require that you have read these disclosures before we proceed with any financial planning or render any investment advice. Therefore, we request that you view/download the following disclosure documents:

Additionally, we request that you acknowledge "receipt" of these disclosures and verify that you have read them. Please sign and return the applicable document:

Privacy Statement
At Fraser Financial, we respect the privacy of all of our clients. To view/download our privacy statement:

© Fraser Financial, All Rights Reserved

Fraser Financial
1873 Volberg Street NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Phone: 404-351-6976
Fax: 404-355-0157
Email: info@fraserfin.com