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Client Bulletin Board

While preparing a tax return for one of our clients, we noticed that he had donated a variety of interesting artifacts and antiques to charity. "Selling them is just too much trouble," he said. And we understood, though we lamented the fact that we didn't have "first shot" at these goodies. It was then that the seed was planted for a bulletin board. We hope that all our clients can come together as a "community" on this board. Its uses are unlimited. But its effectiveness will depend largely on you. Come by often to view and post on a variety of topics. And be sure to let us know if we can implement revisions that will make this board even more useful.

Bulletin Board will be available soon.

© Fraser Financial, All Rights Reserved

Fraser Financial
1873 Volberg Street NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Phone: 404-351-6976
Fax: 404-355-0157
Email: info@fraserfin.com